Certification of IT service quality “TÜV TRUST IT Approved IT Service Quality”
Meanwhile, for companies the focus no longer solely lies on extending services, but rather on improving their quality. In order to succeed in the market, companies have to stand out positively from the competition with their offers and not just distinguish themselves in some minor regard. Because the success of a company on the market increasingly depends on smoothly functioning IT, the quality standards for IT services and IT service management are also constantly increasing. They must ensure high availability, especially in the market-oriented business processes and service provision, and in the event of a disruption, ensure fast solutions through incident management so that disruptions cannot even become a problem. Until now, there were only complex methods to clearly present and evaluate the quality of the IT services for the business processes and services to be provided. For this reason, we have developed a manageable certification procedure for proving the quality in the IT services and the underlying IT service management, the “TÜV TRUST IT Approved IT Service Quality” certification. All or even individual services can be certified.