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TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is an assessment and exchange mechanism for information security that was developed specifically for the automotive industry. It is based on the international standard ISO/IEC 27001, but is adapted to the specific requirements of the automotive industry.

TISAX® was launched by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) (https://www.vda.de/de/themen/digitalisierung/daten/informationssicherheit) and is managed by the ENX Association (https://portal.enx.com/de-DE/TISAX). It is used to ensure consistent information security requirements along the entire automotive industry supply chain. Companies that hold TISAX® labels have proven that they comply with certain security standards, which is often a requirement for working with major automotive manufacturers and suppliers.

With a precisely coordinated portfolio of methodically founded and standards-based services, TÜV TRUST IT supports you in the identification of information values, the definition of an economically appropriate level of security, the design and implementation of suitable processes up to the documentation of the achieved status by means of a TISAX® label.

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