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TÜV TRUST IT at the ENISA CA-Day 2019

On 25 September, ENISA, in collaboration with the European Commission, organised the Trust Services Forum for the fifth consecutive year. On September 26, The Federal Printing Office / D-TRUST organises the eleventh CA Day in cooperation with TÜViT. Particularly noteworthy is that this year’s number of participants was around 220 people who came from all over Europe. Essentially, Trust Service Providers were represented, as well as our expert Clemens Wanko of TÜV TRUST IT, a lecture on conformity assessment practices in relation to eIDAS followed by a discussion.

A special highlight was the participation of Norbert Sagstetter from the EU Commission and the representatives of the browser manufacturers Google (Ryan Sleevi) and Mozilla (Wayne Thayer) and Microsoft (Mike Reilly). This shows once again how interesting topics around eIDAS and ETSI have become for many organisations.

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