Planning and realisation of staff exercises

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Planning and realisation of staff exercises

The performance of (crisis) staff exercises is an elementary component of a functional Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) in companies and is required by common standards such as BSI 200-4.

We support companies in planning, conducting, analysing and following up a staff exercise. Based on the findings of the analysis, measures can be taken to improve emergency management.

Through a holistic exercise concept customised to individual needs, the members of the staff are sensibilised on the basis of a realistic exercise scenario. In addition to promoting cooperation within the team, important insights are gained that support the continuous improvement of the emergency organisation.

Your benefits

  • Transparency regarding the functionality of your emergency organisation and identification of vulnerabilities
  • Encouraging cooperation between the members of your (crisis) team – even under simulated stress situations
  • Improving coordinated and targeted action in crisis situations by integrating strategic and operational measures
  • Strengthening the coordination between different organisational units of the company and cooperation with external service providers or authorities
  • Fulfilment of legal / regulatory requirements
  • Increased effectiveness of crisis management and enhancement of the company’s resilience