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Cyber security awareness is crucial in the context of everyday interaction with IT systems. An important measure to strengthen security is to create awareness of potential cyber threats. One method to achieve this is to organise an internal phishing campaign.

Phishing emails are a common tool used to attack companies. Their goal is to lure employees into opening attachments or links in the emails. Once this is done, attackers can often gain access to the company network, which enables further attacks.

Our phishing packages offer a customised solution to strengthen your company’s cyber security. TÜV TRUST IT’s targeted phishing simulations can effectively prepare employees for the latest threats and raise their awareness of potential risks.

Book a phishing package now and protect your company from cyber threats!

Take a look at our penetration test bundles, consisting of an IT vulnerability scan and a phishing campaign, at a special price.

Phishing campaign “Package S”
  • Random scenario
  • Random domain
  • Recipients max.: 200
  • Link with manipulated website for phishing access data
  • General recommendations regarding measures
  • Note: Survey and evaluation are anonymised
Fixed price € 1.990,00 plus VAT
Phishing campaign “Package L”
  • Customised scenario
  • Selected domain
  • Recipients max.: 500
  • Link with manipulated website for phishing access data
  • Attachments with simulated malicious code
  • Corresponding recommendations regarding measures
  • Note: Survey and evaluation is anonymised
Fixed price € 4.990,00 plus VAT


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