Head of Sales Stefan Möller on the daily sales routine in the time of a pandemic
Let’s start with the good points. Home office and contact restrictions mean: We don’t get stuck in traffic jams, we don’t wait on cold platforms for trains that are cancelled in the end and we don’t have stress at the airport check-in. We also don’t travel at the last minute to not very nice hotels with questionable locations because nothing better could be found due to a trade fair taking place at the same time. That sounds good, doesn’t it?
Yes, but the flipside of the coin is that there are no (trade) fairs or congresses. What’s missing is the spontaneous exchange of interesting news at the counter, the network meeting, exciting lectures and open networking at a conference, embedded in the discussion about the contents of various expert lectures given by real people. We miss all of this in our everyday sales work.
In addition, there are hardly any classic customer/prospect visits any more. In the course of this, one might ask oneself: What actually constitutes such a thing? And why is the personal encounter so important in everyday sales?
Well, there is above all the personal exchange. An appropriate amount of small talk, but also lively discussions around a specialist topic. Plus, free, creative brainstorming outside the agenda. The result is quite often a pretty good idea that has practically come out of nowhere. We also always enjoyed the personal handshake, the shared coffee while brainstorming on a problem and its solution approach, as well as a humorous dialogue. Framed by personal sympathy and commitment to what was said. All these aspects apply just as much to being together with colleagues. This includes presence meetings, events, celebrations, cooking and lunch together, but also a lot of fun and laughter on a “normal” office day. This list could go on and on, because we miss so much.
Instead of the described communicative and personal work situation in the office, it currently looks like this, and has done for far too long: We spend a lot of time at home in front of our PCs. Online meetings start in the morning and continue throughout the day. Everything is very tightly timed, structured and efficient. Unfortunately, mental and physical mobility is somewhat neglected in the process.
In conclusion: Let’s hope that soon some of the things that have brought a lot of joy will be possible again. Not necessarily the traffic jams, but many other good aspects of everyday sales life we at TÜV TRUST IT are already incredibly looking forward to!